About Bad Day Simulator II... Don’t you just hate it when you aim for a spotted fish and you get a stripey one? It can bring your whole day down. There are times, though, when you simply can’t get hold of any fish at all, which is where this program comes in useful. Enabling a whole range of fish to be aimed for, Bad Day Simulator is the ultimate in totally useless software. Available for the Spectrum, Amiga (under AMOS), IBM PC (under Windows) and Macintosh, there really is no excuse for not owning B.D.S. Be the envy of your friends (until they see a therapist) and so on... How the program works. Just select the fish you want to aim for by clicking the radio buttons, then hit “Fish!”. After that it’s all pretty much self explanatory. Why the program works. ??????????????????????? Credits. Original concept by Vince Hodgson. Supervision by Vince Hodgson. (This software is made available on the Macintosh under license from Vince Hodgson). Programming: Spectrum: Vince Hodgson. Amiga: Vince Hodgson. IBM PC: Stephen Baxter, who also kindly provided the “Fish!” sample. Macintosh: Graham Cox, who really should know better. This program is free. Please distribute it amongst people who you feel will benefit from having a Bad Day simulated in the privacy of their own home, rather than having to experience the real thing, or... just those you dislike intensely, etc. System Requirements. A Computer. (Any one will do, but unless it’s already been mentioned, then you’ll have to write the program yourself). Coming soon to this screen? Deluxe Bad Day Simulator II Pro. Deluxe Bad Day Simulator II Plus. Deluxe Bad Day Simulator II Pro-Plus. (this one keeps you awake all day) Deluxe Bad Night Simulator. (this one keeps you awake all night) Advanced Lawnmower Simulator III (you probably missed v1.0 and v2.0 because you never had a Speccy. B.D.S. will also be available for: Sinclair ZX-80 and ZX-81 (anyone remember them?) Commodore 64 BBC Micro MS-DOS maybe. On the other hand, maybe not. (just too boring). All trade marks are recognised, as are all round pink things that happen. By the way, you may be interested to know that this dialog box was more effort to program than the whole of the rest of the application, but then again, you probably aren't.